Don’t Tell the Secret, We’re Reserved

By Abirlal Mukhopadhyay I have something to say that may help you a lot, but I really don’t want to share the secrets I discovered, you know!… Leave it.Conversations stop, conversations never grow, conversation is impossible. There were days when people were true, at least they tried to justify everything they did, that traditional ended.Continue reading “Don’t Tell the Secret, We’re Reserved”

Fake Activist and Shouting

By Abirlal Mukhopadhyay Pretending to be an activist! Or reassuring incapacities your deception. It’s better to live far distant than to misplace oneself. Let me explain the pseudo-activist game, I find everywhere, everyday, every time. In prior I wrote on moral hypocrisy, and this is its continuation. People join -isms and try to become -ist.Continue reading “Fake Activist and Shouting”

Moral Hypocrisy

By Abirlal Mukhopadhyay The thing that I’ve often realised and we all find general somehow, but we all confess to our pillow, how things matters, little and small. If I tell you the hardest truth that all the big things we do, all great things we achieve just for small responses, loves, cares, attention. IContinue reading “Moral Hypocrisy”

Miniature and Mughal Paintings

By Abirlal Mukhopadhyay The miniature painting came to notice from the 8th century and for the next four centuries saw rapid development. ‘Mininum’ the Latin word means red lead paint, from this word they say we got the word miniature. If a painting is larger than 25 square inches, it is generally not considered asContinue reading “Miniature and Mughal Paintings”

Know to Known

By Abirlal Mukhopadhyay It was the last year, December 2020, White Esprit decided to promote artworks on an international horizon, and build a globalcommunity of creative people under the title White Esprit Creator Community or in short WECC. We opened our website foreveryone, and we welcomed each person who registered with us for an exhibition,Continue reading “Know to Known”

Story of the Temple Walls

By Abirlal Mukhopadhyay It is next to impossible if someone gives you a task to count the number of temples we built in the last two centuries, in 105 AD we built the Mundeswari Devi Temple in the Jaipur district of Bihar, it is on a rare octagonal plain, and the temple is the earliestContinue reading “Story of the Temple Walls”

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